St. John’s is the hub for a variety of organizations and groups connected to Snohomish and nearby communities.
Snohomish Community Kitchen
The Community Kitchen offers dinner to anyone who needs a free meal or fellowship on Mondays and Thursdays, 4:30-6 p.m. at St. John’s (913 2nd Street). There is a bus stop on the same block in front of the church. The meals are provided by eight local churches (including ourselves) and businesses who plan, prepare, and serve the meals. Read more here.
Recovery Programs
Several Recovery Groups met regularly at St. John’s prior to the pandemic and our building renovations. Once our building is up to code for health and safety, we hope to host recovery and non-profit groups again.
Cold Weather Shelter
The cold weather shelter provides overnight shelter for the homeless in Snohomish over the winter months. Members of St. John’s have assisted with this community resource in the past. During the pandemic the County managed this service. When the outside temperature drops to freezing, there is a warm place to stay. Visit this site for up-to-date information:
The shelter season starts Nov. 1 and ends the last night of February.